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What students say…

I learnt about 9/11 and how it really happened. I knew what happened vaguely but this cleared it up and made it easy to understand.

Seeing and hearing about the terrible tragedy that took place on the 11th September, made me really think how lucky I am to have my loved ones. The assembly on this tragic event was certainly eye-opening and none of us shall forget it.

I appreciated how it allowed me to think critically and problem-solve.

I liked how it brought awareness of how young people can combat terrorism in ways that don’t include creating a stigma for a certain faction of people.

What teachers say…

The session was extremely informative, students were able to put themselves in the shoes of different people who would be involved in a large scale terrorist attack and take the roles of these people in a role play press conference. The students were helped to deal with the issues maturely and sensitively and they all gained a wealth of knowledge about an event which is extremely important. It really helped students to understand the complexities of balancing rights/safety.