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School visits to the site

The Since 9/11 artwork, created as a beacon of the SINCE 9/11 Education Programme, serves as both a reminder and a point of reflection on the tragic events of September 11th 2001.

Young people today were not yet born at the time of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, the artwork stands today in London to represent a defining moment in modern history, events which have shaped all of our lives, affording us all the opportunity to pay tribute to the many victims of the atrocity.

Artist, Miya Ando, envisioned the mirrored steel as a metaphor of transformation, as light fills the polished steel, reflecting on its surroundings. The artwork provides an opportunity for self-reflection and a moment to pay tribute to those lost in the tragedy.

We encourage schools visitors to the site to access the history enquiry resources as part of our Education Programme, to help students understand the events, causes and consequences of the September 11th attacks in preparation for a visit to the Since 9/11 artwork.

Through both the artwork and our Education Programme, SINCE 9/11 seeks to build a legacy of hope, allowing children and young people to learn about the events of 9/11 and how terrorism affects us today, in order to remember the victims and to help prevent future atrocities. 

For more information and lesson ideas on memorials in public spaces, have a look at our Art & Design resources.