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Press highlights

This page provides links and broadcast clips to some of the press coverage SINCE 9/11 (formerly 9/11 London Project) has received since the launch of the 9/11 Education Programme and public work of art, ‘Since 9/11’ on 5th September 2011.


Lancashire Post 20/10/2018

“I think the more people hear stories like this, specifically young people, hopefully they learn to listen to other people and understand other people… and are less likely to commit hate crimes, less likely to be radicalised.

SINCE 9/11 visit Runshaw College with 7/7 survivor, Sudhesh Dahad, to share his story with students at the 5th Annual Public Services and Criminology Conference.

BBC Sounds (from 1h08) 19/10/2018

“Young people really need to speak out to make a difference” 

SINCE 9/11 deliver Critical Thinking Workshops at Sidney Stringer Academy, as part of a scheme run by the government’s Prevent programme to give teenagers across Coventry training on how to spot signs of radicalistion. 

The Sunday Telegraph 15/09/2018

“Hard line groups are ‘weaponising’ Islamophobia, Government’s counter-extremism tsar warns”

Sara Khan, Commissioner for the Home Office’s Commission for Countering Extremism speaks at the SINCE 9/11 Primary resource launch, and SINCE 9/11 Trustee and expert in counter-extremism, Kamal Hanif, highlights the importance of teaching tolerance in schools. 

BBC London, 11/09/2018

“For many like Janice, the disaster is still fresh in their memory…but she wants new generations to learn from what happened”

British 9/11 survivor, Janice Brooks, explains the tragedy of what happened to pupils too young to remember, as part of the SINCE 9/11 Survivor Stories Project. 

Southwark News, 11/09/2018

“If just one person understands more about what happened because of my visit here then it will have been worth it”

British 9/11 survivor, Janice Brooks, speaks to pupils at Harris Boys’ Academy, as part of the SINCE 9/11 Survivor Stories Project. 

Time Out London 11/09/2018

“SINCE 9/11 aims to teach young people tolerance and understanding: a mission that, nearly two decades after September 11, seems more vital than ever.”

Time Out London, shares with readers information about the Since 9/11 artwork in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

SFGate 10/09/2018 

On the anniversary of 9/11, London remembers an attack an ocean away

Charity Director, Liam Duffy, speaks to Washington Post about the Since 9/11 Artwork in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and the expansion of the Charity’s Education Programme. 

The Washington Post, 10/09/2018

On the anniversary of 9/11, London remembers an attack an ocean away

Charity Director, Liam Duffy, speaks to Washington Post about the Since 9/11 Artwork in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and the expansion of the Charity’s Education Programme. 


East London Advertiser, 03/07/2018 

“I didn’t know what was going on. My first thought was that I was having a nightmare. Then it felt like some kind of after-life”

SINCE 9/11 organises a talk to 50 sixth form students at Swanlea School in Whitechapel by 7/7 survivor Sudhesh Dahad (read his story of the attacks here).

The Telegraph, 07/05/2018 

“Liam Duffy, director of the counter-extremism education charity SINCE 9/11, said that from a young age children must be taught about democracy, free speech and social activism to counter the appeal of extremism”


Evening Standard, 17/04/2018 

“Survivors of terror attacks are set to discuss their experiences with members of the public”

Conflict Café: Life After Terror at the Imperial War Museum, hold drop-in discussions between eyewitnesses to terrorism and museum visitors, joined by speakers including SINCE 9/11 Charity Director, Liam Duffy. 



Hertfordshire Mercury, 28/11/17

‘A 9/11 terror attack survivor will give her first public talk in Bishop’s Stortford’, Martin Ford

“I’m just an East End girl who found myself in an incredible moment in history” 

Janice Brooks was on the 84th floor of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, when terrorists crashed two aircrafts into the twin towers…


American in Britain, 20/11/17

“We are the 9/11 generation”

Expat website ‘American in Britain’ magazine’s online blog runs a feature on SINCE 9/11 and The Sunday Telegraph, 09/09/17

‘Teachers ‘scared’ to teach lessons on 9/11 terror attack’, Camilla Turner, Education Editor

SINCE 9/11 Trustees comment on the misplaced concerns and issues surrounding the teaching of 9/11 in schools


09/09/17 Times Educational Supplement – Tes

‘Those who denounce Prevent as Islamophobic are themselves dangerous’

SINCE 9/11 trustee, Sir Steve Lancashire, takes aim at Prevent’s critics

11/09/17 Radio Essex interview

“Without an understanding of 9/11, it is impossible to fully understand the world around us”

16 years on from the World Trade Center attacks, SINCE 9/11 Director, Liam Duffy, discusses why it is so important to talk to young people about 9/11 and terrorism. 


15/03/17 Londonist Magazine

“It is impossible to touch the steel without feeling a lump in your throat …A hidden and stirring 9/11 memorial in the Olympic Park”

‘London-obsessed’ writer Matt Brown on the SINCE 9/11 WTC Artwork. 


02/02/17 Birmingham Mail

‘Parents in tears over 9/11 classes says head teacher’, Neil Elkes

SINCE 9/11 Trustee, Kamal Hanif OBE, launches Education pack in Birmingham, joined by Professor Simon Schama and Education Minister, Lord Nash – both keen to see 9/11 remembered and understood by children


“Ground Zeroes”, The Sun article from September 9th 2013 on the state of the artwork, before it was placed in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park


22/03/15 East London & West Essex Guardian
Twin Towers sculpture unveiled in Olympic Park

18/03/15 Newham Recorder
9/11 Twin Towers steel sculpture unveiled at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park


03/03/15 The Sun
Why is it crucial we teach kids about 9/11

20/03/12 The Guardian
How did 9/11 change UK education?

05/09/11 Education Today
What’s bringing Boris Johnson, Simon Schama, Thomas Van Essen, The New York Fire Commissioner on 9/11, Tracey Emin and Wim Wenders together next week?

Simon Schama: ‘Teach events of 9/11 to all children’

06/09/11 Jewish Chronicle
September 11 sculpture unveiled in Battersea Park

06/09/11 Mail Online
Mangled girders from Twin Towers unveiled as 9/11 London memorial (but sculpture is still seeking a permanent home)

06/09/11 Your Local Guardian
9/11 artwork unveiled in Battersea Park as part of educational project


WTC Sculpture seeks permanent home in London

05/09/11 – Wall Street  Journal
London unveils 9/11 memorial

05/09/11- ABC
Britain launches 9/11 website for schoolchildren

05/09/11 France 24 
Britain launches 9/11 website for schoolchildren

05/09/11 NY1
Brooklyn artist’s 9/11 sculpture debuts across the pond

06/09/11 China Broadcast

06/09/11 Sky News Australia Online
Sculpture created from Sept 11 ruins


05/09/11 BBC News
9/11 sculpture unveiled in Battersea Park

05/09/11 Sky News

05/09/11 BBC News London
9/11 sculpture unveiled in Battersea Park

05/09/11 BBC London 94.9FM

05/09/11 Heart London

05/09/11 LBC 97.3 FM

05/09/11 (at 18.06 and 22.34) ITV 1 London Tonight

06/09/11 Sky News Australia


06/09/11 The Sun
London’s memorial for 9/11

Jewish Chronicle
September 11 sculpture unveiled in Battersea Park


19/03/15 Docklands Sinfonia