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About the Education Programme

No child attending secondary school today was born at the time of the terrorist attacks on New York, the Pentagon and Washington DC on September 11th 2001.

Why teach about 9/11?

The events of 9/11 are not currently taught to secondary-aged students in depth, if at all, and student understanding of the day and its consequences is limited. Research undertaken by the Institute of Education throughout 2010 revealed that that some students believe 9/11 was retribution for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Many were confused about the actual events of the day. Teachers questioned cited a lack of usable resources as a direct challenge for good teaching.

The evidence from this research was compelling in suggesting a need and a willingness to teach and learn about the events of 9/11, the causes and their consequences.

Aims of the Programme

Our Education Programme is designed to encourage students to discuss and debate the events and issues surrounding 9/11. It develops the critical thinking skills of young people and promotes intercultural dialogue by exploring different cultural and political perspectives. Wider impacts of terrorism and extremism are looked at in a UK context, with the impact on free speech and civil liberties investigated. Our other web-based resources provide information for teachers across the UK.

How was the Programme developed?

The creation and launch of the Education Programme followed an extensive research period, in which teachers, students and educational experts took part in workshops, surveys, focus groups and meetings. The Institute of Education developed a comprehensive set of resources in five subjects: Art & Design, English & Drama, History, RE and Citizenship. All of these are freely available on this site HERE.


The Historical Association and the Religious Education Council of England and Wales have endorsed the history and RE sections of this website respectively. Furthermore, we are a content partner of TES Teachers Resources.

9/11 is a critical subject. The consequences of the attack will continue to reverberate around the world for many years to come. It is therefore vital that younger generations develop ideas and thoughts around the event. However, 9/11 is a complex subject to teach, and without a subject-specific curriculum in place, stereotypes, prejudices, confusion and conspiracy theories around the attack are left to develop amongst generations of students who were not even alive at the time of 9/11.

Professor Chris Husbands, Director of the Institute of Education, University of London

We have an obligation to young people around the world to provide them with a well-rounded education. To teach them how to live peacefully together with people of different cultures and traditions. The events of 9/11 have touched our hearts and make us remember that we are all part of humanity, if not, then what hope do we have for the future?

Lee Ielpi, President of September 11th Families’ Association, US

“The Education Programme is both timely and crucial for our nation and the whole world.”

Rt. Rev and Rt. Hon. The Lord Carey of Clifton, Archbishop of Canterbury on 9 /11