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History Enquiry 3: Consequences of 9/11

This enquiry explores the short, medium and long term consequences of 9/11, helping students to understand how the events of that day have affected the society we live in today.

History Enquiry 3 Overview

This document explains the full lesson plan and how it links to other elements of the SINCE 9/11 education programme.

Resource A: These slides act as flashcards providing examples of short term consequences of 9/11

Resource B: An image of the Tree of Consequences that students will build over the course of this enquiry

Resource C: These slides act as flashcards providing examples of medium term consequences of 9/11

Resource D: These slides act as flashcards providing examples of long term consequences of 9/11

Resource E: These slides act as a prompt for students to consider the most important consequences of 9/11