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Terrorism Timeline

Terrorism is defined by the Crown Prosecution Service as the use or threat of one or more of the actions listed below, and where they are designed to influence the government, or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public. The use or threat must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

The specific actions included are:

  • serious violence against a person;
  • serious damage to property;
  • endangering a person's life (other than that of the person committing the action);
  • creating a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public; and
  • action designed to seriously interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.

This timeline aims to demonstrate how a wide range of political, ideological and religious ideas are exploited by perpetrators of terrorist attacks. These can range from far right-wing/ left-wing groups, religious sects and cults, anarchists, nationalists, insurgent groups and more.

Development of the timeline

SINCE 9/11 has sought advice from The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR), attached to King’s College London, to ensure the timeline reflects a broad range of terrorist attacks, rather than focussing on particular groups or causes. The ICSR is an independent think tank that specialises in radicalisation, counter-terrorism and political violence. 

Selection of attacks

The timeline highlights some of the major terrorist attacks starting with the Munich Olympic attack and is updated regularly – to give a global historical perspective on the many atrocities committed by terrorist organisations and individuals in recent times. The selection of attacks we highlight is not meant to be representative of all terrorist attacks committed in recent history. Instead it is intended as an overview of major events to give a sense of the reasons attacks occur, how they happen and responses from government and the international community.

Who is the timeline for?

This resource is aimed at teachers and educators. It aims to provide you with a nuanced understanding and knowledge of terrorism to support your teaching in this area. Please note that we do not recommend that young people use the timeline without supervision and support.

6th September 1972
21st November 1974
20th November 1979
23rd october 1983
17th December 1983
2nd June 1985
16th July 1992
12th March 1993
18th July 1994
19th April 1995
15th August 1998
17th April 1999
11th September 2001
22nd December 2001
27th March 2002
2nd May 2002
12th October 2002
11th March 2004
1st September 2004
11th July 2005
14th August 2007
30th June 2007
6th March 2008
26th November 2008
11th July 2011
26th October 2012
1st March 2013
15th April 2013
16th December 2014
7th January 2015
28th June 2015
17th August 2015
10th October 2015
31st October 2015
12th November 2015
13th November 2015
22nd December 2015
22nd March 2016
16th June 2016
1st July 2016
4th July 2016
14th July 2016
19th December 2016
22nd March 2017
3rd June 2017
19th June 2017
15th September 2017
1st October 2017
14th October 2017
31st October 2017
24th November 2017
23rd April 2018
13th May 2018
29th May 2018
13th July 2018
25th July 2018
21st April 2019
29th November 2019
2nd February 2020
20th June 2020
29th October 2020
2nd November 2020
15th October 2021
26th August 2021
14th May 2022
Graffiti of Oz Davidian who entered the danger zone 15 times during the massive terror attack on Israel on the 7th October 2023, to save and rescue people from the attacked music festival.
7th October 2023
13th October 2023
15th October 2023
22nd March 2024